A Cheat Sheet for Cheapskates: 34 Tricks to Live the Good Life for Less


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Jun 19, 2023

A Cheat Sheet for Cheapskates: 34 Tricks to Live the Good Life for Less

Listen to article (2 minutes) If hiring a travel planner seems like some costly, rich-person indulgence, have we got a “$5 a month” deal for you. For that price, you can subscribe to Messy Nessy

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If hiring a travel planner seems like some costly, rich-person indulgence, have we got a “$5 a month” deal for you. For that price, you can subscribe to Messy Nessy Chic’s Keyholder Concierge, a source of personalized counsel. Founder Vanessa Grall, a trip guru known for her “Don’t Be a Tourist” guides, and her team start by sharing tips for navigating the food, shops, hotels and secret streets of major cities like Paris, London, New York and more. The advice is witty and worldly (think: a modern-day Auntie Mame). Mini-guides to less-touristy spots, such as Brittany, Croatia or the Cotswolds, feature interactive maps and commentary that is more spot-on than spotty Yelp reviews. But here’s the best part: Members can also pose queries via email. When we asked about cruises, for example, a prompt and thorough reply came back, with details about a sail down the Nile or through the Great Lakes that were factual enough to float our boat.

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